I dont know much about life. I havent lived that long enough to tell you how we can live a happy life but based on my 21 years on this planet we call earth, I know happiness is something thats truly personal. Everyone has their own form of happiness. Thus, it does come in various shapes and sizes.
You might hear people say that money cant buy happiness. I do agree and dont agree. Money does satisfy our hunger. A nice job, a nice car, a nice house, alot of cash in the wallet and wealth in the bank may not be happiness for you but it may be one thing that you need in order to be happy.
Thats not always the case for everyone. In my opinion, our jobs, our business our education is only for the sake of making our tummy happy. Buying new clothes, getting a certain something you wanted for your birthday or getting to a certain point in your career may be happiness to you. But for me its just a way to fill our bellies and get some food on the plate or to clothe ourselves to go out infront of the world.
If you argue with me that money can buy happiness, then I’ll ask you why rich people are are so anxious and depressed. If they have alot of cash they should always be carrying a booming smile around. But that isnt usually the case, right? Once you’ve got the cash, you’re happiness is probably gonna be taken over by the fear of losing it now.
To me, happiness is when you are internally happy. You realize your worth not because someone told you you’re beautiful or intelligent, but because you realised that yourself. Real happiness does come from within. I may laugh and smile amidst the crowd but I may never be happy. I may never be satisfied. Real happiness isnt measured by a scale, by the number of people who adore you, or by the number of awards you have under your name. Happiness isnt the number of likes on your instagram post and all the fake comments and applause underneath.
Happiness is when you know yourself. Your worth. Your place in the world. By yourself. By your own. Not by any ones aid. Being emotionally dependent just makes you weaker. You can never be happy if that happiness is linked to humans. Humans including me can be really unexpectable at times. You may be excited by them doing something for you or them getting some achievement for themselves yes that maybe love. But happiness of your own is your own cultivation. If you cannot make yourself happy no one and nothing can make you happy.
Id say cultivate happiness by valuing yourself, by loving yourself and by knowing even if you dont have that much of an expensive watch or a piece of clothing as the other person you’ll still be the best. You’ll still have your own worth. You’ll still be that special piece that is irreplaceable and all so special. Whether the world acknowledges that or not.
So, be happy, not because I told you to, because I want you to. On your own, by yourself. :))