God has made all humans equal and has blessed everyone with the same characteristics. It’s up to man how he uses these characters to his benefit.
There are a lot of people in this world. Every region, every country has people of different cultures. Some of them are touching the pinnacles of success and some are to this day drowned in failures. If our God created us equal, then why is it that people living in one country, in the same conditions, some are rich and others poor? Some are considered intelligent and some less? Some people are living a happy healthy life while some are drowned in hopelessness and failure?
There is no interference of the Divine in this. The Divine created us and told us
“All men are created equal”.
The disparity is the result of man’s actions. Rich or poor, Intelligent or less, the real difference lies in the use of the characters we all are blessed with.
We see a lot of successful people in society. It’s not like God created them with special software, rather they recognize the reality by which they can earn success.
Discover Your Soul:
Do you know what abilities you have using whom you can benefit yourself and others?
Successful people are successful because they discover themselves. They know their abilities. They know what good they have in themselves and what bad, and also know how they can eliminate the bad within them and turn them into good.
Today, instead of discovering who we are, we’re busy saying what we think of how other people are, and this is just a waste of time. If we spend only 20% of the time ruminating over how we are and how we could better ourselves, the results would be shocking.
When you realize what your worth is, what are your values, then you automatically start putting them to use and that’s the first step on your ladder to the top.
When you believe in something, that belief becomes a reality. A successful person has faith in his abilities and worth. If you have faith in your success, then you do become successful. Your faith produces the realities you believe in. Faith is the thing by which something that cannot be seen can be seen.
Hard Work:
Success comes to those who work for it. They work without noticing what time of the day it might be, and in the end, they get what they desire. It doesn’t matter where you are today, but what matters is how passionate you are to go where you dream of because a hard worker can turn dust into gold and a lazy man the other way around.
Importance of Time:
Successful people recognize the worth of time management and use it efficiently to benefit themselves and others. Most of the people blame the government, or that how the world is unjust but in reality, they are the ones who lay idle and waste their time. Employees are engaging in chit-chat in their offices. Students in different colleges only look forward to extracurricular activities. When you start wasting time, time starts wasting you. If we instead of talking so much would pay a little focus to the goal ahead, we also would be successful.
Your attitude portrays your thinking. If your thinking is positive, then your attitude will also be positive, and everyone loves a positive man.
Always ruminate over your attitude, because positive thinking will give you positive results. How you think determines what you get.
The most important part to get success in life is your purpose in life. A successful person is successful in a particular field. Like a sportsman, in his sports career. So, to be successful, you must first have a purpose. God hasn’t created anything useless. Everyone must search inside themselves what abilities they possess. When you delineate what your purpose is, only then can you start your hard work and embark on your way to success.
The question is what is success?
Success isn’t a destination, it’s a journey that has no limits, it’s a journey that provides everything, peace, happiness, comfort, and wealth.
In the words of Gavin Shakti,
Judge your success by the degree you are enjoying Peace, Health, Love.
So, promise to first recognize yourself, success will follow.