What I Always Think of When I See the Sky at Night?

3 min readApr 4, 2021


What do you see when you look at the sky at night? The moon and stars? Do you just get lost in the beauty of the sky or have you ever thought about it?

What are stars? What’s the moon? We all know what stars are. We’ve read them in science. It’s a pretty dumb question. And we also know what a moon is.

But what if the stars can be anything you want them to be? Wow, that’s interesting and completely stupid. Well, you’ve seen people romanticizing about the moon and stars, that's pretty stupid as well. What if there is more to that? What if our dreams and all our aspirations pile up in a star? What if stars are tiny spots in the galaxy made up of your tears? What if your tears condense to make the stars? It can be though. The day when you’re sad and gloomy and just lay back to see the stars at night isn’t it unusual that you’ll always find your star in the sky but not always the moon. Have you ever paid attention to the star that’s trying to light up your world by burning to its full capacity or do you only look at the moon?

What if stars are the broken dreams of everyone on this planet? What if everyone had a star out their just made for them? What if stars are just a reflection of your heart? What if the star thinks about you just as you are now thinking about it? What if your star has a meaning? What if it’s meant to not only stand there in the galaxy? Why is the star not there when you aren’t sad? What if it is? Have you ever really paid attention? What if it keeps checking on you from the distance? Why is the star only there when you need it? Why is the star so selfless? What if it’s not selfless? What if the star needs you to give time to it? What if the star has feelings? What if you’re the star and the sky just a mirror? What if the galaxy wants to bring you down but the star is the reason you’re still going? I know it philosophical. I know there isn’t much fact to it. What is the world if you stop dreaming and thinking? What if you use only your brain and not your heart to think? A heartless person. Maybe. You can still be heartless if you have a heart. But you know what isn’t heartless. The star. The stars are so selfless. They’ll always be there for you.

Do I hate the moon? No. But the moon is only there when I’m happy. Only in the good times. Not in the bad. The moon isn’t worth it. It is bright and full one day but it also disappears. It can not be your best friend. It can’t ever be like your star. Your loyal star. The one that’s burning in the sky just to keep an eye on you. The moon may be larger and the moon may go along with you sometimes. But it’s the star that’s truly yours. The star may be far. Maybe not as big. Maybe not that loud. But it’s worth it.

That makes me think. Our life is like the night time sky. We have so many moons in our real life. But there is only one star who you can depend on. That’s the loyal star. A small selfless cute little fellow. Doing its best to be the best for you. But do you ever reciprocate? Do you ever be there for your star? I know it got all philosophical. But there’s a person who’s always got your back but you haven’t theirs. They need valuing.

Also, what if the sky is the mirror as I said before? What if that star is just you? What if you need to value yourself?

Think about it. Value your star.




23 yo, kinda funny irl, a med student. Oh and I also write sometimes.